freeradius 3 - proxing

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Dec 8 18:48:06 CET 2014

On Dec 8, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Khapare Joshi <khapare77 at> wrote:
> I testing freeradius 3 version for upgrade our old version 2 freeradius server.
> Local auth works well but when I need to proxy realm I always got "no response from the server", I spoke to the guy who look after the remote radius server and he confirms it is running. 
> my version 2 configuration is working well though.

  Version 3 does RADIUS correctly.

> this is what i get in debug mode:

  Unfortunately, that’s not relevant.  What matters is why the *home* server doesn’t respond.  For that, look at the logs on the home server.

  As with *all* of these issues, the problem is the same:

- not listing the IP of the client in the home server
- not using the correct shared secret

  Alan DeKok.

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