Core dump on start of FR3.0.1

Palmer J.D.F. J.D.F.Palmer at
Mon Jan 20 14:46:37 CET 2014

>   Hmm... that shouldn't happen. 

That's what I thought. :)

> If you still have the gdb process around, can you
> do:
> (gdb) up
> (gdb) p *q (gdb) up

As it happens  it is still running...

(gdb) up
#1  0x00118e99 in cf_item_parse (cs=0x80acd78, name=0x8086183 "prefix", type=100, data=0x8096044,
    dflt=0x808618a "/usr/local") at src/main/conffile.c:954
954                             talloc_free(*q);
(gdb) p*q
$1 = 0x8 <Address 0x8 out of bounds>
(gdb) p *q 

> Also, please double-check that you
> don't have any 3.0.0 libraries around.  That's another potential source for
> confusion.

How would I go about checking this?  
I have ran 'make uninstall' from both fr3.0.0 and fr3.0.1 source directories; then ran make install again from 3.0.1 but I still get a segfault.
To confirm, if I then re-install fr3.0.0 it runs.

Many thanks,

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