
Rôney Eduardo roneyeduardosantos at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 20:20:34 CET 2014

2014-03-13 4:32 GMT-03:00 Nadir Aliyev <nadir at azstarnet.az>:
> Hello,
> I use rlm_sql module and have problems with stale sessions.
> In my case I want to close for user existing staled session in database if
> new accounting_start_query (insert query) occurs. How can i realize this?

I use this in the authorize session:

authorize {


     # Clear Stale Sessions when same user x mac tries to reconnect:
            "%{sql:UPDATE radacct set
acctstoptime=ADDDATE(acctstarttime,INTERVAL acctsessiontime SECOND),
acctterminatecause='Clear-Stale-Session' WHERE username='%{User-Name}'
AND callingstationid='%{Calling-Station-Id}' AND acctstoptime is



Roney Eduardo

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