LDAP - bind as user - howto?

Matej Žerovnik matej at zunaj.si
Thu Oct 16 22:36:23 CEST 2014

On 16.10.2014 21:56, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Matej Žerovnik wrote:
>> >In hints file I have:
>> >DEFAULT Ldap-UserDN := "uid=%{User-Name},ou=test,dc=example,dc=com",
>> >Auth-Type := LDAP
>    Don't use the "hints" file.  Use the "users" file.  The two files are
> for very different things.
If I use users file, then %{User-Name} is not substituted with the 
user-name provided in the accept-request. I hope it's obvious I want to 
use different usernames as different users will use radius to login to 
the service.

Debug output says:
[ldap] user DN: uid=%{User-Name},ou=sikkr,dc=izum,dc=si
   [ldap] (re)connect to ldaps.izum.si:636, authentication 1
   [ldap] setting TLS mode to 1
   [ldap] bind as uid=%{User-Name},ou=test,dc=example,dc=com/password to 
   [ldap] waiting for bind result ...
   [ldap] Bind failed with invalid credentials

I found out I read about hints file on this url: 
Later I realized that this file is about radius 1.X version, so it's 
probably obsolete.


Matej Zerovnik

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