Freeradius 3.0.4 DHCP MYSQL MAC Auth dhclient

bubulak at bubulak at
Sun Sep 21 19:11:44 CEST 2014


On 21.09.2014 18:14, Alan DeKok wrote:
> bubulak at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am sorry for that. I was not sure what i am doing wrong. It is look's
>> like problem on isc dhclient (4.2.2) program which is no accept DHCP
>> OFFER from freeradius DHCP Server (dhclient end's with "No DHCPOFFERS
>> received."
>>   and packet ispection says that DHCP Offer packet arrived). So i
>> compared packets between freeradius with dhcpcd5 and isc-dhcpd with isc
>> dhclient.
>> DHCP discover look same on both pairs. In DHCP Offer is differences in
>> Next Server IP Address and DSCP. Freeradius send's IP of DHCP server and
>> DSCP 0x00. ISC send's IP and DSCP is 0x04.
>    The DSCP value shouldn't matter.  And what's the "next server IP
> address" option?  Do you mean "OPTION:  54 (  4) Server identifier" ?
This is not option 54 section. It is before OPTION parameters.
packet from freeradius (dhcpcd5) produce:
Bootstrap Protocol ->
Your (client) IP address: (
Next server IP address: (

packet from isc-dhcpd (isc dhclient) produce:
Bootstrap Protocol ->
Your (client) IP address: (
Next server IP address: (

I include both packets in hexdump format (if you want you cat import 
packets to wireshark through File->Import From HEX Dump):
dhcpcd5-dhcpoffer.hexdump - dhcp offer packet from freeradius server
isc-dhclient-dhcpoffer.hexdump - dhcp offer packet from isc-dhcpd server

I don't know if this exactly is why ISC's dhclient don't recognize DHCP 
OFFER packet from FreeRadius server. But it is first look difference.
>> Its look same as in thread here
>> .
>> Honestly i don't know if is bug. Can you please direct me how to debug
>> this problem?
>    Post information which is USEFUL.  Posting huge logs with a comment of
> "it doesn't work" is useless.  Posting nearly content-free comments is
> useless, too.
>    WHAT DOES ISC DHCP produce?  You don't say.  And don't just dump a
> packet, point to WHICH FIELDS are different.  And include the WHOLE
> PACKET, including ethernet and IP layers.
>    Then, do the same thing for FreeRADIUS.
>    When you make it hard for us to see what's going on, you make it hard
> for us to help you.
>    Describe CLEARLY what is going wrong.  Be SPECIFIC.
>    Alan Dekok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Thank you for patience
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0140   73 6b 06 08 c1 5d 48 0a c1 5d 48 01 ff 00 00 00  sk...]H..]H.....
0150   00 00 00 00 00 00                                ......

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