Using NAS-Identifier with login criteria

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Sun Apr 12 15:46:47 CEST 2015

Providing your logic - good

Providing your debug output - good

This all helps. Getting to a working state yourself - good :)

However,  I'm not sure that you read the debug output to see what the logic was doing.  Or you'd see why you had a strange inverse of the idea (you'd also see that the assigning of the NAS identifier does nothing).

As Alan has already said,  the ldap_group comparison operator is rather interesting and you really want to do a classic 'c style' negative check   (  if !(ldap_group...... )  )

Would seriously advise looking at upgrading to latest 2.2.x  - however if you are building from source and only just getting your current solution into place then look at 3.0.x instead.  There are big big changes which may hinder a future migration from 2.x so get 3.0.x into place now., not later


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