AW: freeradius dialupadmin development invitation

Florian Klaus flo_klaus at
Fri Aug 21 19:02:56 CEST 2015

Hi Userlist,
while I appreciate the enthusiasm, I think the basics like writing stuff from WebFrontEnd to AnySQL Database (don't know how LDAP works) are everywhere on the Web, 
your entries will just have to match the things FreeRadius looks for in the DB.
There are a few other WebBased User Management Systems, like DoloRadius and stuff like that.
Also,I do not know how much this would be appreciated, since you will have to provide a webserver, which you will have to shutdown to general public access b/c normaly any admin would want to be the only one who has access to the DB. And those people usually have a GUI for DB Access, which is more or less like a web interface.
If you are starting this, I think a plugin for TYPO3 , Joomla or other CMS would be more appreciated.
Hope I didn't damper your enthusiasm, 
regards , Flo.
Timmy <moonyhk at> schrieb am Fr, 21.8.2015:

 Betreff: freeradius dialupadmin development invitation
 An: freeradius-users at
 Datum: Freitag, 21. August, 2015 18:19 Uhr
 Hello all Users,
 Freeradius dialupadmin is a very nice and native GUI for
 2.2.  However, it does not work any more after php
 version 5.3.
 I want to start an invitation for raising a fund for
 developing it so
 that it can still work up to php 5.6, and also redesign its
 GUI to have
 a modern outlook.
 I think a few hundred US$ will do.  If any body is
 interested, we can
 share the expense.  10 participants are cheap enough to
 complete this
 Yours Faithfully,
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