Pairing a network user to an SIP ID

fred diziel freddiziel at
Sun Dec 13 02:07:49 CET 2015

Hello all,

Thank you for the response again mr. Alan,
> After Alice is connected to the network, Alice then tries to connect to the SIP server with user A ID.
 > Why?
Because I want to try to pair two user, mainly in my case a network user and an SIP ID, so user A is paired with user B, 
if it's possible, then when went on like I explained.
 > RADIUS can't do that.
 > It can accept or reject users.  That's it.  It can't tell users to try a different username.
 >  No.  RADIUS doesn't do it.  OpenSIP doesn't do it.
 > Get the users to log in with the correct credentials.
I see, so it's not possible with either one of it, 

thank you for the explanation and your time, I believe this has answered my question.


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