Weird message from RADIUS running at debug level

Clement Ogedengbe c.ogedengbe at
Wed Feb 18 16:29:54 CET 2015

I am running RADIUS ( has embedded ntlm_auth to authenticate to Windows AD) at debug level. The message below gets occasionally displayed on the screen. The serer continues to authenticate users anyway, but wonder if anyone has any idea of what is going on here.

Usage: [OPTION...]
      --helper-protocol=helper protocol to use     operate as a stdio-based helper
      --username=STRING                            username
      --domain=STRING                              domain name
      --workstation=STRING                         workstation
      --challenge=STRING                           challenge (HEX encoded)
      --lm-response=STRING                         LM Response to the challenge (HEX encoded)
      --nt-response=STRING                         NT or NTLMv2 Response to the challenge (HEX encoded)
      --password=STRING                            User's plaintext password
      --request-lm-key                             Retrieve LM session key
      --request-nt-key                             Retrieve User (NT) session key
      --use-cached-creds                           Use cached credentials if no password is given
      --diagnostics                                Perform diagnostics on the authentictaion chain
      --require-membership-of=STRING               Require that a user be a member of this group (either name or SID) for authentication to succeed
      --pam-winbind-conf=STRING                    Require that request must set WBFLAG_PAM_CONTACT_TRUSTDOM when krb5 auth is required

Help options:
  -?, --help                                       Show this help message
      --usage                                      Display brief usage message

Common samba config:
      --configfile=CONFIGFILE                      Use alternate configuration file

Common samba options:
  -V, --version                                    Print version

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