Sudden User Authentication Rejection as a result Compatibility - error

Adam Bishop Adam.Bishop at
Mon Feb 23 12:13:20 CET 2015

On 23 Feb 2015, at 10:40, Clement Ogedengbe <c.ogedengbe at> wrote:
> Our primary server has really gone "bunker". Sometimes last week (after server ran without hitches for 2 years), started rejecting users by reporting certificate compatibility problem at the debug level.
> After correcting the access privileges to certificates (which I observed may not be correct), the service resumed, but ran successfully only for 2 days and started rejecting users by reporting certificate compatibility problem.

The debug log you've posted is _not_ the server rejecting anything - it's the client choosing not to authenticate. The warning is simply a suggestion of the likely cause.

Any time FreeRADIUS rejects a user, it will _always_ send an explicit Access-Reject (unless configured otherwise, or using PEAP with retries). If this is what you're now seeing you need to post a much more complete log.

It may ultimately turn out that FreeRADIUS is misbehaving, but the only thing that can tell you why the client is choosing not to authenticate is the client. What supplicant is in use?


Adam Bishop

  gpg: 0x6609D460

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