Authentication Problem

Robert Graham robert_graham at
Tue Jan 13 00:29:27 CET 2015

Im just about at the end of my rope... I have been searching and reading
and reading, but cannot get this to work.

I have a external ms sql database that has three columns only. member_id,
HashedPassword, and Salt.

I am trying to authenticate against this database.

1st question is: Do I have to use the schema that is inside freeradius,
and if I do not, how do I get FR to auth without using all the tables that
are preinstalled in the schema?

Unfortunately I am not a sql database guy, im a network guy, and writing
db is not my forte..

This is what I have but yet I know it is incorrect. I dont want to use any
groups, it is strictly for someone to logon to our vpn and wireless
connections. The passwords are stored in SHA-512 with Salt and unicoding.
Is it even possible or am I wasting my time? I am running 3.0.6 of FR.
These are the only columns in the database. 

recreating the database isnt likely to happen, having almost 19,000 rows
in the table.

authorize_check_query = "\
	SELECT member_id, HashedPassword, Salt \
	FROM ${dbo.vw_Main_table} \
	WHERE UserName = '%{SQL-User-Name}'"

Robert Graham
Network Engineer
U-Haul International
2727 N. Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004

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