AD Authentication using succeeds, but FreeRadius 3.0.4 rejects with "Failed to Authenticate User"

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Jul 26 12:44:59 CEST 2015

On Jul 26, 2015, at 5:38 AM, Josh Miller <jmills5901 at> wrote:
> I didn't understand what the accounting grantor meant, and why it mattered
> since Authentication was successful.

  And instead of trying to figure it out, you blamed FreeRADIUS, and the FreeRADIUS developers.

  That's an asshole thing to do.

>  Furthermore, I was under the
> impression that because was only using a 1 line item "auth required
>" in /etc/pam.d/radiusd then account being ignored.

  Yeah... and you apparently didn't read, or try to understand the debug logs you posted to the list.

  There's a sample "radiusd-pam" file distributed with the server.  Instead of taking that and adding "winbind", you created your own file... and broke the server.

  And then blamed us.

> Apparently, there is an implicit deny associated with the accounting
> feature, and you must explicitly tell it to permit in the code.  Simply
> omitting the account line does not mean that FreeRadius will ignore that
> data.

  This is all documented by the PAM people.  It helps to understand the systems you're using.

  Alan DeKok.

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