Rejected: Realm does not have at least one dot separator

Adam Bishop Adam.Bishop at
Sat Jun 27 17:41:53 CEST 2015

On 26 Jun 2015, at 17:03, Mohamed Lrhazi <Mohamed.Lrhazi at> wrote:
> Username does have a dot in the realm... but the expression somehow fails…

You haven’t provided enough information to confirm (full debug log when asking for assistance please!), but I can make an educated guess - if it’s not correct, please post a full debug log from both your old and new servers.

Your old system is running 3.0.4?

A change was made to FreeRADIUS 3.0.5 regarding how it handles forward slashes in regexps. See ‘correct escapes’ in radiusd.conf:

If you’re porting your old configuration forward, you need to make sure that correct_escapes is set to the behaviour you want in your version of radiusd.conf, and that the regexps in your config files agree with that setting.

It looks like the files (policy.d/filter) are default ones too, so it’s probably easiest to set correct_escapes to true and restore the contents of that file to the default.

This may make upgrades easier in future, too:


Adam Bishop

  gpg: 0x6609D460

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