Error parsing VSA

D C dc12078 at
Thu Apr 14 05:01:56 CEST 2016

Trying to get freeradius 2.1.12 to work with a citrix netscaler.
my setup works will a pile of other vendors, so i figured it would also be
just as simple as adding a new reply-item to my ldap profile.

>From the output below you can see my other vsa's are being sent back to the
nas no problem.  But I can't figure out it can't parse my latest one.

  [ldap] extracted attribute Juniper-Local-User-Name from generic item
Juniper-Local-User-Name := "super-users"
  [ldap] extracted attribute Cisco-AVPair from generic item Cisco-AVPair+=
  [ldap] extracted attribute Fortinet-Group-Name from generic item
Fortinet-Group-Name = "SUPER_ADMIN"
  [ldap] parsing radiusReplyItem failed: Citrix-User-Groups =

Not sure if it's supposed to be Citrix-User-Groups, or CTXUserGroups, but
i'll figure that out once I can get freeradius to even send the reply-item.

I tried adding a dictionary that I googled.  attached below:
# -*- text -*-
# Copyright (C) 2015 The FreeRADIUS Server project and contributors
#       Citrix VSAs
#       $Id: 868b203ab45b47533d9b53862cfc271251aa7f17 $

VENDOR          Citrix                          66


ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-UID                              10      integer
ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-GID                              11      integer
ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-Home                             12      string
ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-Shell                            13      string
ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-Group-Names                      14      string
ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-Group-Ids                        15      string
ATTRIBUTE       Citrix-User-Groups                      16      string



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