Upgrading FreeRadius / MSSQL

Herwin Weststrate herwin at quarantainenet.nl
Mon Feb 29 10:27:15 CET 2016

On 26-02-16 23:19, Richard J Palmer wrote:
> rlm_sql_freetds - FreeTDS (mssql)
> rlm_sql_sybase - Sybase (mssql)
> rlm_sql_unixodbc - unixODBC (mssql)

rlm_sql_sybase no longer exists, so that makes the choice a little easier.

As for the other two options: odbc is a kind of abstractions layer,
which is great if you need a bunch of applications talking to the same
mssql-server, but I doubt its preference in your case. rlm_sql_freetds
is probably your best choice.

Herwin Weststrate

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