Accounting interim data delta

liran kessel lirankessel at
Sun Jun 26 13:42:07 CEST 2016

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your help, it is very much appreciated, and I am sure I like many others ask questions which feel “dumb” and I apologise.
I am not trying to be spoon-fed everything , and i understand and know how to do things in the DB.

from my understanding freeradius doesn’t just insert, it inserts, or updates depending on if its a new session or an existing one, and thats why I asked if there was a way to do it before insert rather than within the DB.

I will try your recommendation and see if I can do it with unlang, or need to add another inserted table and then select the difference.

Thanks for your help.


> On 26 Jun 2016, at 2:34 PM, Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
> On Jun 26, 2016, at 7:30 AM, liran kessel <lirankessel at> wrote:
>> would you recommend doing it within the dialup.conf configuration? 
>  The default schema just inserts into the table

>> how would i configure it to do 3 steps:
>> Select
>> Update radacct
>> insert new table?
> a) read "man unlang" to see how to create policies in FreeRADIUS

> b) read your database documentation to see how to use select / update queries in your DB.

>  Do you want to understand what you're doing, or do you want someone else to spoon-feed you a bunch of magic that might or might not work?
>  Alan DeKok.
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