Failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A

Michael Martinez mwtzzz at
Tue Jun 28 02:12:08 CEST 2016

Happy to report this issue was resolved by going onto the iPad and
importing and trusting the radius server public cert. Nothing needed
to be done on the server side.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 1:44 PM,  <A.L.M.Buxey at> wrote:
> Hi,
>> > I'm using the Makefile which is included in the
>> > freeradius/examples/certs folder, and it already includes
>> > xpextensions. Here's what I see when I double-check my server.crt:
> what age/version of the server - the Makefiule has been changes a lot - we keep up with requirements..... its likely for example, that with old makefil you
> still have eg MD5 root CA or server cert - iOS 9 will *not* like that - use
> SHA-256 now - grab latest source code/Makefile....
> we havent done anything special with our local CA and RADIUS server
> cert - iOS devices all fine. (how are you deploying config - getting the
> root CA onto the devices - a mobileconfig file? )
> alan
> -
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Michael Martinez

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