Acct-Interim-Interval - Help is needed

Bacsó Márton Károly bacsom at
Tue Mar 8 08:10:16 CET 2016

Dear Freeradius users,
 We have been using Freeradius with Daloradius on a Raspberry Pi for almost a year now. Until now everything worked perfectly, but because of a faulty SD card I had to reinstall the system at the weeekend. Now acct-interim-interval doesn’t work. I do get usage data, but only on stops. I checked my config files from the original installation and it seems that I managed to replicate all of my settings. Radtest gives back the reply attributes and I didn’t change anything on my APs..  Old system: Raspbian Wheezy, Freeradius 2.x (1.8??, I don’t remember). SQL New system: Raspbian Jessie, Freeradius 2.2.5, SQL Most of our APs are TPLINK901NDs, running OpenWRT. I have attached the the result of freeradius -X. Any help would be greatly appriciated!!! Radtest:Sending Access-Request of id 186 to port 1812
        User-Name = "bacsom"
        User-Password = "MB1237"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=186, length=32
        Acct-Interim-Interval = 60
        Idle-Timeout = 600
Marton Bacsó Márton Károly
bacsom at
bacsom at
M.: +36 20 3315753  		 	   		  
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