EAP-TLS support on D-Link DAP 2360

Prosenjit Chatterjee prosenjit at innovaidesystems.com
Mon May 23 16:34:00 CEST 2016

I was trying to set-up freeRADIUS server with EAP-TLS support. We have used
Dlink DAP 2360 as a controller. I did the following.

*In the wifi supplicant (Windows 7 Professional 64 bit) *
1. I have installed CA certificate and signed public and private key.
2.  In adapter settings I have added a new SSID with selecting
WEP2-Enterprise security.


*Controller (Dlink DAP 2360)*
*1.  *Use wireless authentication mode as WPA-Enterprise.
2.  WPA Mode: AUTO
3. radius server details.

*RADIUS  SERVER (FreeRADIUS Version 2.2.6)*
*1. *In eap.conf "default_eap_type = tls" and certificate details with path.
2. In users file --- put user detaill.
3. In clients.conf  file -- Add  details  of the controller (DAP).

While trying to connect from wifi supplicant, we couldn't getting any
packet in the RADIUS server(Runnig in debug mode).

Please let me know  if I have done anything wrong.  Please help me


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