EAP-TLS support on D-Link DAP 2360

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk
Tue May 24 01:56:41 CEST 2016

>*Controller (Dlink DAP 2360)*
>*1.  *Use wireless authentication mode as WPA-Enterprise.
>2.  WPA Mode: AUTO
>3. radius server details.
>While trying to connect from wifi supplicant, we couldn't getting any
>packet in the RADIUS server(Runnig in debug mode).

Are you running a firewall on the RADIUS server? Is it listening on the
correct interface and on the correct port? Have a look, and if necessary,
do a Wireshark trace.

Stefan Paetow
Moonshot Industry & Research Liaison Coordinator

t: +44 (0)1235 822 125
gpg: 0x3FCE5142
xmpp: stefanp at jabber.dev.ja.net
skype: stefan.paetow.janet


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