Framed-Pool precedence over Framed-IP-Address

HugLeo hugocanalli at
Tue Apr 11 16:55:06 CEST 2017

Sorry, the behaviour was the same.

"If Framed-IP-Address is specified,Framed-Pool is ignored (RFC2865)"

The Framed-IP-Address was being deleted in the older  version too ;-)

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 11:32 AM, HugLeo <hugocanalli at> wrote:

> In a older freeradius version I configure Framed-IP-Address for a username
> and that username get a ip address to network access.
> If I would like to block that username and I just change the username to
> access_deny group that have a Framed-Pool atribute. So my NAS can handle it
> and set a payment page to my user.
> But now I upgrade my freeradius server and it is not working anymore.
> Now Framed-IP-Address is taking precedence over Framed-Pool. For it to
> worki I need to delete the Framed-IP-Address attribute.
> Is there any way to be like before? If I have Framed-IP-Address and Framed-Pool
> together I would like to use Framed-Pool.
> radusergroup
> +----------+---------------+----------+
> | username | groupname     | priority |
> +----------+---------------+----------+
> | test     | access_deny   |        1 |
> +----------+---------------+----------+
> radgroupreply
> +-----+---------------+-------------+----+----------------+
> | id  | groupname     | attribute   | op | value          |
> +-----+---------------+-------------+----+----------------+
> | 422 | access_deny | Framed-Pool | := | access_deny_pool |
> radreply
> +--------+----------+-------------------+----+-------------+
> | id     | username | attribute         | op | value       |
> +--------+----------+-------------------+----+-------------+
> | 121896 | test     | Framed-IP-Address | := | xx.xx.0.5   |
> +--------+----------+-------------------+----+-------------+

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