Freeradius 3.0.15 + redis

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Dec 25 17:49:05 CET 2017

On Dec 25, 2017, at 4:52 AM, Bassem Mettichi <mettichi at> wrote:
> i would like to use accounting and authentication with redis this is my
> objective?

  Your objective should be a bit more detailed than that.  What information are you putting into Redis?  What queries should FreeRADIUS do to Redis?

  As an example, look at the documentation and examples for the SQL module.  There is a sample schema.  There are default queries.  There is documentation for how to use SQL, and what information should go into SQL.

> is it possible to do authentication requests with redis database
> from freeradius server or redis
> support only accountig requests ( start, stop, interim-update?

  You can put any information you want into Redis.  But the *default* configuration doesn't have authorization queries.

> what is the solution for access requests? how to authenticate radius users
> with redis database? could somoene please answer my questios. I hope iam
> clear now

  You're still not clear.  You can't just say "I want to use a database", and have people magically understand what that means.

  If you don't know what you want to use Redis for, then you shouldn't be using Redis.  Instead, use one of the other databases with examples and documentation, like SQL.

  Alan DeKok.

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