Problem setting eduroam

Alex Sharaz alex.sharaz at
Wed Feb 8 11:47:34 CET 2017

Sorry not at work at the moment but
CS dept used to have a separate eduroam registration for
While the rest of the uni used

We used to proxy requests for your radius servers but haven't done that for a long time, in fact I think the JISC entry for might have been removed a while back.
Really I you should be using your account now for connectivity everywhere 

I'll check this tomorrow 
Sent from my iPhone 6 plus

> On 8 Feb 2017, at 10:17, Olivier <Olivier.Nicole at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some problems setting up eduroam. I am in charge of CS department
> inside my university.
> I have credential both in CS department and at the university level.
> I can use my CS credential to authenticate to eduroam, whether I am in
> my CS department network or anywhere else in the university network (and
> in the world according to some roaming users).
> I can use my university credentials to authenticate to eduroam when I am
> on the university network, but it does not work when I am in CS
> department network. I don't know if it is working anywhere else in the
> world.
> CS department network and university network are not connected,
> futhermore they both refer to the national eduroam gateway for
> authentication (for historical reason, there is no hierarchy).
> How can I check why I cannot authenticate? It could be 2 reasons:
> - I do not proxy properly to the national eduroam gateway
> - my university side of eduroam is not receiving/answering to the
> authenication requests coming from upper level.
> I have no credential outside of my CS department and university that I
> can use for testing.
> Best regards,
> Olivier
> -- 
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