FR3 RadSec proxying

Edelberto Franco esilva at
Fri Jul 14 15:45:53 CEST 2017

I appreciate your attention, and I don't want you work for me, it was 
only a simple question to help us and help all.

We are trying to update eduroam at Brazil (I believe eduroam is the major 
case of success of FR), using only FR3, without radsecproxy on 
federation top level. But as I could saw, FR3 can't be our proxy router 
in this level.


Em 14-Jul-17 10:30 AM, Alan DeKok escreveu:
> On Jul 14, 2017, at 9:27 AM, Edelberto Franco <esilva at> wrote:
>> Do you have an example of sites-enabled/tls with home servers for different realms?
>    No.
>    You *can* edit the configuration files to add home servers.  All of the configuration is extensively documented with examples.
>    i.e. if you don't have time to go read the documentation and follow the instructions, I don't have time to do your work for you.
>    Alan DeKok.
> -
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