Problem to assign freamed-pool in update reply

Mohamad Yazdian m.programer at
Tue May 23 10:08:59 CEST 2017

Hi everyone
I have problem width the update reply.
I check the total acctinputocted for the user and flag
the Mikrotik-Xmit-Limit attribute.
When I set the ip address for the module my pppoe user on mikrotik get this
ip address successfuly but when I use the framed-pool and set the ip-pool
name in mikrotik the clinet can not get the  ip from the ip-pool.
please help me to fix this problem

reject = 1
update reply{
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit := "256K/256K" # <----This line is work fine
                                Framed-IP-Address := ""      #
<----This line is work fine
Framed-Pool := "Expire"                # <----This line isn't work

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