Problems integrating RADIUS module with freeradius 3.0.12 on Ubuntu Linux

kiran kumar kirankumar9856 at
Tue May 23 14:21:07 CEST 2017


I am trying to integrate module (outside freeradius source tree) with
freeradius 3.0.12. On compilation found few header files which are
necessary for the module are missing and so updated freeradius source code
to make them available for the module. Also updated libradius.h & radiusd.h
file with the changes suggested here
<> to avoid below

*libradius.h:22:21: error: expected ‘)’ before string constant*
*RCSIDH(libradius_h, "$Id: d356b97f983fba4421176d6b637bdd907ad36279 $")

Now I got stuck with the below error.

*/usr/include/freeradius/threads.h:30:4: error: #error WITH_THREADS
defined, but pthreads not available*
* #  error WITH_THREADS defined, but pthreads not available*

Can someone help me on this...


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