Update from 3.0.4 to 3.0.13 (RHEL and CentOS 7.3 to 7.4): Reference "${group_attribute}" not found

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk
Fri Sep 15 22:59:03 CEST 2017

>>   Which also says it's not a bug. The issue is due to an "rpmnew" file
>> being left around.  Find it, and delete it.
>I didn't say that it's a bug within FreeRADIUS. It's more a glitch in
>the update mechanism. I removed all *rpmnew files (which should normally
>not be a problem) but the error remains:

Raise the rpmnew issue with RedHat if you will.

>Problem is that in the line ``WHERE groupname = '%{${group_attribute}}'
>\'' the installation method seems to fail to replace
>``${group_attribute}'' by ``Sql-Group''.

Easily fixed by setting 'group_attribute' to 'Sql-Group', i.e. In
queries.conf put this line:

group_attribute = 'Sql-Group'?

It may even be that this is actually *in* one of the .rpmnew files that
you just deleted. 

Have a look at the 3.0.13 tree on Github.

Stefan Paetow
Moonshot Industry & Research Liaison Coordinator

t: +44 (0)1235 822 125
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xmpp: stefanp at jabber.dev.ja.net
skype: stefan.paetow.janet


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