Freeradius server: Issue running Radius -X

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue Jan 30 16:57:11 CET 2018

On 30.01.18 10:54, doc barton wrote:
>I'm using RHEL6 and I've been tasked to build a freeradius server by my
>Everything is done through VM, so I'm not able to copy and paste info.
>However, I will type specifically the issue I am having.
>When I run the radisus -X, I received the following error.
>Failed binding to dhcp interface lo address port 6700 as
>server dhcp: Address already in use /etc/raddb/sites-enabled/dhcp[126]:
>Error binding to port for port 6700
>Please assist me with this.

apparently other process listens on port 6700 already

lsof -i udp:6700


netstat -unlpe|grep 6700

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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