check password !?

تعلم البرمجة mido2010bona at
Sat Jun 9 20:49:21 CEST 2018

 thanks alan for your reply but i want do this for another query i want if
this password is right do ...

i will use php for attributes and i will remove radcheck and radreply and
radgroupcheck and radgroupreply  for speed up freeradius and i have all
this on 1 table but i have problem i want check if right password access
accept from php page so can you help me for this point ?

2018-06-09 6:19 GMT+02:00 تعلم البرمجة <mido2010bona at>:

> Hello I have freeradius 3.0.12 and I want check if cleartext-password ==
> chap or mschap password how I can do this

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