help perl and pap authentication

lesterpl at lesterpl at
Tue Sep 4 15:28:17 CEST 2018

Thank you very much for the help but I'm not an expert in freeradius,  
I think you say that you remove the perl option from the file  
/etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default and place it in  
inner-tunnel, my idea is to authenticate the server with a perl script  
that queries pop3 to several domains because I have users of several  
domains and I do not have to create the accounts. Now the script works  
which is the main thing but I have the problem of eap sent by my AP.  
please help I've been stuck for days and it seems like I'm blocked.

Alan DeKok <aland at> escribió:

> On Sep 4, 2018, at 9:12 AM, lesterpl at wrote:
>> Please here my configuration, where is that I should remove the  
>> perl authentication.
>  It helps to understand how the server works.  That way you can fix  
> issues yourself, instead of giving up, and asking other people to do  
> your work for you.
>> Where do I have the error or what should I do?
>   I explained it in my previous message,.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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