Mac OSx reconnecting after waking from sleep

Byron Jeffery byronjeffery at
Wed Sep 5 13:06:12 CEST 2018

Hi All

We have been having an almost random issues from various staff members of
when their macbook fails to reconnect to our WPA2 Enterprise wifi network
(freeradius with eap-peap authenticating against AD) after waking from
sleep whilst on battery power with the wifi looking like it is constantly
searching.  Simply turning the wifi off and on again reconnects almost
instantaneously, which leaves me ruling out the availability of the Radius
server as the issue.  Also, when the macbook is connected to its charger,
we never see the issue.  We have seen this issue across differing access
point vendors which has left us scratching our heads.

I know I am probably asking in the wrong place, but apart from very little
information on the Internet, I have no way to determine if this is somewhat
normal anticipated behaviour with macbooks and because it is so random,
replicating the issue is almost fruitless to attempt to work out the fault.
I am hoping that someone here has experienced the same issue or may be able
to provide guidance and if I am asking in the wrong place, please let me

   - Kind Regards

   - Byron Jeffery

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