Is it possible to set Simultaneous-Use without any SQL/LDAP database ?

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Jan 22 18:47:11 CET 2019

On Jan 22, 2019, at 12:38 PM, Olivier <oza.4h07 at> wrote:
> Reading this mailing list late messages (from last October up to now), I
> noticed most if not all, questions related to Simultaneous-Use setting
> mentioned some sort of database.

  The database is for tracking user sessions.  Without a database, you can't track user sessions.

  FreeRADIUS implements a simple database in rlm_radutmp.  But it's not recommended. It's simple, and has minimal functionality.

  If you have 5K users, radutmp is fine.  If you have more, use a real database.

> 1. Is it possible to set a value for Simultaneous-Use parameter and still
> define authorized users with a simple file or is it required to use some
> sort of database (*) ?

  You don't need a database to *define* users.  You need a database to *track* users.

  You can put users and passwords into LDAP, and then use SQL to store session data.  Or, put users into the "files" module, and use "radutmp" to store session data.

> My target implementation is Debian Stretch with Freeradius 3.0.12.
> With it, I defined what I call users in a file
> /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/authorize with entries such as :
> 999_9999 Cleartext-Password := "mysuperpassword"
> 2. If possible, can set this Simultaneous-Use within this authorize file

  That's what the documentation says to do.

> or
> shall I use an other file (I'm thinking of
> /etc/freeradius/3.0/mods-config/files/accounting ?

  That's for accounting... not authorization.

  Alan DeKok.

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