Is it possible to set Simultaneous-Use without any SQL/LDAP database ?

Hans-Christian Esperer hc at
Wed Jan 23 19:32:02 CET 2019


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 06:34:21PM +0100, Olivier wrote:
> >   If you have 5K users, radutmp is fine.
> I have up to 200 users, at most.
> I'm glad to read radutmp is fine for this scale.

Another thing to consider:

radutmp depends on the "NAS-Port" parameter of accounting packets to be unique
per user per NAS/AP, because the tuple of (NAS-Port, NAS-Id) seems to be the
primary key for radutmp.

I'm using unifi APs where NAS-Port is always 0. radutmp doesn't work there
without a hack (Alan DeKoK suggested setting the NAS-Port to a hash of the user
name if it is 0 using unlang).


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