FR 3.0.13, reply of attributes missing

Alan DeKok aland at
Sun Mar 3 14:52:30 CET 2019

On Mar 2, 2019, at 4:35 PM, Jürgen Northe <jn at> wrote:
> I managed it to define and assign the wanted LDAP attributes in the reply messages by defining them in the LDAP module. 
> I am quite finished now but have one question left: 
> All types of my VLAN settings are kept in profiles.
> In the settings of a device is a  "radiusProfileDN" attribute pointing to the profile like 
> cn=PRINTER,ou=VLAN,ou=profiles,ou=radius,dc=compend,dc=com where i.e. radiusTunnelPrivateGroupID and others are defined.
> Right now, the server is not going to resolve the radiusProfileDN.


> Do I have to define here also a matching pair of radius and LDAP attribute which is in module ldap group section treated with filter definitions?\

  I don't think so.  The Wiki has full documentation on how the LDAP module works.  That may help.

> I put the 4 lines of ldap module of group handling, because the server is not diving in. this section at all.

  I have no idea what that means.  Perhaps there's debug output you can read.

  Alan DeKok.

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