example dictionary entries wanted for 6929 - for new Extended Type 241.XX and Long ExtendedType 246.XX
robert.stannard at bt.com
robert.stannard at bt.com
Mon Sep 30 18:39:53 CEST 2019
Thank you Alan,
I've had a look and find only one dictionary file with a few lines of examples.
# -*- text -*-
# Copyright (C) 2013 The FreeRADIUS Server project and contributors
# Attributes and values defined in RFC 6930
# http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc6930.txt
ATTRIBUTE IPv6-6rd-Configuration 173 tlv
ATTRIBUTE IPv6-6rd-IPv4MaskLen 173.1 integer
ATTRIBUTE IPv6-6rd-Prefix 173.2 ipv6prefix
ATTRIBUTE IPv6-6rd-BR-IPv4-Address 173.3 ipaddr
Would you have any other sources that I can look for for more comprehensive samples/examples and documentation ? I am interested in TLVs, evs, the extended-long-type etc...
Kind Regards,
P.S wasn't sure how to reply to your previous email - when I hit the reply button on my email it bounced back - so am sending this email to the general list hoping that the mail-daemon will forward it to the correct "started" thread using the header text.
From: Alan DeKok-2 [via FreeRADIUS] <ml+s1045715n5755915h87 at n5.nabble.com>
Sent: 27 September 2019 17:44
To: Stannard,R,Robert,TLV3 C
Subject: Re: example dictionary entries wanted for 6929 - for new Extended Type 241.XX and Long ExtendedType 246.XX
On Sep 27, 2019, at 12:08 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> I am new to Radius and trying to implement the extensions to RFC2865 specified in RFC6929.
Sounds like fun. Why implement something else tho, when you can just use FreeRADIUS? :)
> Are there any example dictionary entries showing how the new extensions are coded ? I am referring to,
> 1. Extended Type (e.g 241)
> 2. Long Extended Type (e.g. 245)
> 3. TLV
> 4. EVS
> For example, for 1. should the entry in our vendor dictionary be like,
> a) "ATTRIBUTE XY-NEW-EXTENDED Extended-Vendor-Specific-1.1 STRING"
> or
> examples for the other would be helpful as well as any references to examples / docs etc.
See dictionary.rfc6929
and the other dictionaries with higher RFC numbers.
Alan DeKok.
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