No logs being generated

Paul Rattu prattu at
Thu Dec 3 19:59:56 CET 2020

Hello, I've set up and configured my freeradius server but I'm not seeing
any log files being generated. In the radiusd.conf file I've uncommented
this line " requests =
${logdir}/radiusd-%{%{Virtual-Server}:-DEFAULT}-%Y%m%d.log " and I have
auth, auth_badpass, and auth_goodpass set to "yes". According to this file
the logs should be generated and put into /var/log/radius but I'm not
seeing any log files from freeradius, there's only a folder called radacct
which is also empty.

I don't think it should matter, but I am running freerad in Debug mode
currently, will the logs start generating when I've enabled the service and
have it running daemonized?

Thanks for any help!

For reference, here is the log section from the radiusd.conf file:

log {
        destination = files

        colourise = yes
        file = ${logdir}/radius.log

       requests = ${logdir}/radiusd-%{%{Virtual-Server}:-DEFAULT}-%Y%m%d.log

        syslog_facility = daemon

        stripped_names = no

        auth = yes

        auth_badpass = yes
        auth_goodpass = yes

        msg_denied = "You are already logged in - access denied"
[image: Cinesite Logo]
*Paul Rattu * | Systems Administrator
Cinesite | 500-565 Great Northern Way, Vancouver, BC, V5T 0H8
t: +1 604 216 2615

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