No logs being generated

Matthew Newton mcn at
Thu Dec 3 20:10:41 CET 2020

On 03/12/2020 18:59, Paul Rattu wrote:
> Hello, I've set up and configured my freeradius server but I'm not seeing
> any log files being generated. In the radiusd.conf file I've uncommented
> this line " requests =
> ${logdir}/radiusd-%{%{Virtual-Server}:-DEFAULT}-%Y%m%d.log " and I have
> auth, auth_badpass, and auth_goodpass set to "yes".

What version? That's only in v2, which is obsolete.

> I don't think it should matter, but I am running freerad in Debug mode
> currently, will the logs start generating when I've enabled the service and
> have it running daemonized?

It doesn't matter.

Consider linelog for custom auth logs, it's a lot more flexible.


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