VSA with Vendor 0 Attribute 0 - Have you ever seen this?

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk
Wed Feb 12 17:26:15 CET 2020

Thanks Alan, 

That's what I thought. I'll trace this back to our original source and have them check what's going on. 

Thanks for the confirmation :-)

Stefan Paetow
Federated Roaming Technical Specialist

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On 12/02/2020, 13:39, "Freeradius-Users on behalf of Alan DeKok" <freeradius-users-bounces+stefan.paetow=jisc.ac.uk at lists.freeradius.org on behalf of aland at deployingradius.com> wrote:

    On Feb 12, 2020, at 7:19 AM, Stefan Paetow <Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk> wrote:
    > Just a quick question... has anyone ever seen a RADIUS request/response containing a vendor-specific attribute with vendor 0, attribute 0? That's not an IANA packet, is it? I mean... IANA would just be non-VSA.
      Nope.  I haven't seen it, and it's not in any standard.
    > Is this a possible misconfiguration somewhere?
      Only if you go out of your way to create a vendor dictionary with vendor ID 0, and then an attribute 0, and then manually add it to the configuration.
      If that attribute is coming from a NAS, then the NAS is broken.
      FreeRADIUS may make mistakes internally, it doesn't create bad RADIUS packets.
      Alan DeKok.
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