Diego Forcella
diego.forcella at c2group.it
Wed Dec 1 15:03:53 CET 2021
>> I've another problem now, I need to use this with a captive portal that support only chap or ms-chapv2 and when a user try to login to captive portal configured with chap in freeradius log I have the error
>> chap: ERROR: &control:Cleartext-Password is required for authentication
>> or, if I set ms-chapv2 in captive portal, the error is
>> (1) mschap: WARNING: No Cleartext-Password configured. Cannot create NT-Password
>> (1) mschap: Creating challenge hash with username: xxx at xxx.com
>> (1) mschap: Client is using MS-CHAPv2
>> (1) mschap: ERROR: FAILED: No NT/LM-Password. Cannot perform authentication
>> (1) mschap: ERROR: MS-CHAP2-Response is incorrect
>> It's possible to have chap (or ms-chapv2) and ldap working in freeradius?
> It's not about LDAP. It's how you store the password in LDAP.
> http://deployingradius.com/documents/protocols/compatibility.html
The LDAP is Google Workspace (G Suite), I don't have idea how the password are stored
But why with radtest works correctly?
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