Diego Forcella diego.forcella at c2group.it
Wed Dec 1 15:48:26 CET 2021

>> The LDAP is Google Workspace (G Suite), I don't have idea how the password are stored

>  Then it's impossible to do CHAP or MS-CHAP.

>> But why with radtest works correctly?

>  Because raddest is sending clear-text passwords.  Which FreeRADIUS can then send to G Suite for checking.
> You can run radclient and have it send CHAP or MS-CHAP.  That will show you the issue isn't radtest or radclient.  The issue is the *format* of the authentication data.

I tried radtest both with -t chap and with -t mschap

With -t chap I view CHAP-Password that is encrypted but with -t mschap I have MS-CHAP-Password that is clear-text and is the same of Cleartext-password , it's not possible mapping MS-CHAP-Password to Cleartext-Password?

Excuse if maybe this is a stupid question for you but I'm a newbie, where you suggest that I can start to study this feature/configuration?

Thanks again

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