ippool assignment problem

Mirko Alberio mirko.alberio at telemar.it
Tue Dec 14 09:31:22 CET 2021

Hi! Hope this can be useful for someone.

I found the base problem of my radius ippool assignment problem!

Maybe for future reference for other users, the problem was: WHITESPACE 
in an ip pool address row!

So in some way the NAS where assuming as framed ip address for this.

This is the radiusd -X output that helped me:

(1675) sqlippool: Executing query: COMMIT
(1675) sqlippool:    --> START TRANSACTION
(1675) sqlippool: Executing query: START TRANSACTION
(1675) sqlippool: EXPAND SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool WHERE 
pool_name = '%{control:Pool-Name}' AND (expiry_time < NOW() OR 
expiry_time IS NULL) ORDER BY (username <> '%{User-Name}'), 
(callingstationid <> '%{Calling-Station-Id}'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR 
(1675) sqlippool:    --> SELECT framedipaddress FROM radippool WHERE 
pool_name = 'pool1' AND (expiry_time < NOW() OR expiry_time IS NULL) 
ORDER BY (username <> 'xxxxxxxxx'), (callingstationid <> 
'XX:XX:XX:75:36:B6'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED
(1675) sqlippool: Executing select query: SELECT framedipaddress FROM 
radippool WHERE pool_name = 'pool1' AND (expiry_time < NOW() OR 
expiry_time IS NULL) ORDER BY (username <> 'xxxxxxxxx'), 
(callingstationid <> 'XX:XX:XX:75:36:B6'), expiry_time LIMIT 1 FOR 
(1675) sqlippool: EXPAND COMMIT
(1675) sqlippool:    --> COMMIT
(1675) sqlippool: Executing query: COMMIT
*(1675) sqlippool: Invalid IP number **[] **returned from 
instbase query.*
rlm_sql (sql): Released connection (11)
(1675) sqlippool: EXPAND IP Allocation FAILED from %{control:Pool-Name} 
(did %{Called-Station-Id} cli %{Calling-Station-Id} port %{NAS-Port} 
user %{User-Name})
(1675) sqlippool:    --> IP Allocation FAILED from pool1 (did vlan102 
cli XX:XX:XX:75:36:B6 port 15731656 user xxxxxxxxx)
(1675)     [sqlippool] = noop

Mirko Alberio
Amministratore di Sistemi

Via Enrico Fermi, 235 - 36100 Vicenza - Italia
Tel 0444 291302 - Fax 0444 566310 - www.telemar.it <http://www.telemar.it>
Reg. Imp. Di Vicenza /C.F./P.I. 02508710247
Cap. Soc. € 120.000,00 I.V.
R.E.A. VI-236292


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