Package server updates and 3.0.23-2

Christian Strauf strauf at
Wed Jul 21 07:53:34 CEST 2021

Hi Matthew,

> As a few people noticed, in certain circumstances there can be a segfault with version 3.0.23.
> We have released new packages which fix this issue.
thanks for fixing this issue. I have a question regarding the segfault fix: is it also fixed when building Debian (i.e. Ubuntu) packages from sources when checking out release_3_0_23 or do I need to apply the fix to release_3_0_23 manually? I unfortunately can't use the packages from the package server because we enable the python3 module by patching src/modules/stable (long story) and build the Debiam packages ourselves. Thanks!

Kind regards,
Christian Strauf
Dipl.-Math. Christian Strauf
Head of Network Services Department
Clausthal Univ. of Technology   E-Mail: strauf at
Rechenzentrum                   Web:
Erzstraße 18                    Tel.:   +49-5323-72-2086 Fax: -992086
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

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