sqlippool and exhausted pool

Mirko Alberio mirko.alberio at telemar.it
Wed Jul 21 14:07:38 CEST 2021

Hi Alan,

just another confirm to check if I understood correctly:

So now because of the misconfiguration of the NAS I have IPs in the 
radippool table assigned to users not existing anymore in the radius 
tables (users that ceased the service) with expiry_time in the past.

If I update those users NAS and add the interim-update, should those 
record be cleared?

And, speaking of expiry_time: what is in that case the best pratice, 
together with the 10 minutes interim-time? One hour (the default value) 
would be fine? Thanks!

Mirko Alberio - Assistenza tecnica
e-mail: mirko.alberio at telemar.it

Telemar SpA Internet Quality Provider
Via Enrico Fermi, 235 - 36100 Vicenza - Italia
Tel 0444 291302 - Fax 0444 566310 - www.telemar.it
Assistenza tecnica 0444 1420000
Reg. Imp. Di Vicenza /C.F./P.I. 02508710247
Cap. Soc. € 120.000,00 I.V.
R.E.A. VI-236292

Il 19/07/2021 20:37, Alan DeKok ha scritto:
> On Jul 19, 2021, at 2:11 PM, Alberio Mirko <mirko.alberio at telemar.it> wrote:
>> we enabled the interim-update on a sigle nas and captured the packets, now the Interim-request are being sent and received by the radius,
>> another doubt: should radius update the expiry_time  of the users connecting via that NAS in the radippool table when an interim update is received?
>    Yes.  That's what the default configuration does, for a large number of reasons.
>    Think about it this way... do you want the IP to expire 30 seconds after FreeRADIUS gets an update packet?  Even if there's no "stop" packet?  What would happen if the IP expired like that?
>    The default configuration and queries *work*.
>    Alan DeKok.

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