Does effective Simultaneous-Use requires radutmp or database to work OK ?

Marek Zarychta zarychtam at
Tue Apr 5 12:51:43 UTC 2022

W dniu 5.04.2022 o 14:45, Matthew Newton pisze:
> You will cause all sort of problems for your users, and your help desk 
> will hate you with the additional workload. 

Good point. But if you _really_ have to limit this, then please consider 
periodically  closing inactive accounting sessions at least. Back in 
time this query worked for me:

UPDATE radacct SET AcctStopTime=now(), AcctTerminateCause='Stale Record' 
WHERE AcctStopTime is NULL and  (TIMEDIFF( now(),acctstarttime)) > 

Marek Zarychta

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