freeradius 3.2 accounting with sqlippool

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Aug 17 12:34:31 UTC 2022

On Aug 17, 2022, at 8:20 AM, mohammed Irheem <mohammed059 at> wrote:
> ...
> (2)     [sqlippool] = notfound
> (2)   } # accounting = notfound
> (2) Not sending reply to client.
> (2) Finished request
> (2) Cleaning up request packet ID 125 with timestamp +277 due to done
> Ready to process requests


	sqlippool {
		notfound = 1

  This works for me.  BUT I still have the accounting data going into radacct.  You don't have that.

  The server MUST be configured to record the accounting data somewhere.  Otherwise it won't respond to accounting packets.  Because the accounting data wasn't written anywhere.

  If you're going to use the radacct table in SQL, then add "sql" before the end of the "accounting" section.  i.e.

	sqlippool {
		notfound = 1

  If you're not going to use the radacct table, then do:

	sqlippool {
		notfound = 1

  Which will allow the server to reply to accounting packets.  BUT it won't record the accounting data anywhere.  You have to decide if that's what you want to do.

  Alan DeKok.

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