split an accounting attribute in two and write two new attributes to MySQL

xaled at web.de xaled at web.de
Mon Feb 14 20:49:19 UTC 2022

Hi Alan,

thank you for the valuable comments.

I want to split the Acct-Session-Id attribute from account stop request at
the "/" sign and write the two resulting parts in to two separate columns in

My limited understanding of the way to approach it is have something like a
local variable defined that would take the results of the explode operations
and then use this new variable to write the splited content in two columns
in a MySQL DB.

From your comment I seem to get that there is no concept of something like
local variables in FreeRADIUS that can be freely defined and operated upon.
I would need to have attributes defined within the dictionary that would act
as the variables that I need.

As for MySQL queries I have a custom file with mapping from proprietary
accounting attributed that I've created and it is working fine. I just never
used attributes with multiple values, but used attributed with multiple tags
and wrongly derived the syntax from that experience. Will adjust
accordingly. It was a typo with % inside {}

Given the explanation would it be the right way to proceed?
* Defining a new attribute in raddb/dictionary that would hold the results
of the splitting.
* Add update request section to preacct:

	update request {
		Split-Session-ID = "%{explode:%{Acct-Session-Id} /}"

* in MySQL driver-specific configuration use:

'%{Split-Session-ID[1]}', \
'%{Split-Session-ID[2]}', \

-----Original Message-----
From: Freeradius-Users
<freeradius-users-bounces+xaled=web.de at lists.freeradius.org> On Behalf Of
Alan DeKok
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2022 5:50 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users at lists.freeradius.org>
Subject: Re: split an accounting attribute in two and write two new
attributes to MySQL

On Feb 14, 2022, at 11:40 AM, <xaled at web.de> <xaled at web.de> wrote:
> In preacct section of default config from sites enabled I added
> Split-Session-ID = "%{explode:%{Acct-Session-Id} /}"

  You can't just add random things to the configuration files.  Any
attribute editing as to go into an "update" section.  The documentation
shows this, and there are many examples of it in the configuration files.

> And immediately get error:
> /etc/freeradius/3.0/sites-enabled/default[558]: Unknown action
> '%{explode:%{Acct-Session-Id}/}'.

  This only happens if the attribute editing it's in an "update" section.

> In mysql mapping config I added

  I don't know what "mysql mapping config" is.  Perhaps give the filename?

>            '{%Split-Session-ID:1}', \
>            '{%Split-Session-ID:2}', \

  That won't do what you want, either.  I think you're trying to access
multiple values of the "Split-Session-ID" attribute?  But you're not saying,
so I can only guess.  And the expansion syntax you're using is completely

  See the documentation for how to reference multiple values of one
attribute.  It's normal array offset syntax, using [0], [1], etc.  See the
documentation for the expansion syntax... it's %{Name}.  Not {%nName}

 You also need to define the Split-Session-Id attribute in raddb/dictionary.
I suspect that you haven't done that.

  You can't just edit the MySQL queries to add new fields.  The SQL queries
put values in specific columns, which have pre-defined meanings.

  And it helps to *explain* what you're doing.  Give details.  The less
information you give, the harder it is to help you.

  Alan DeKok.

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