copy accounting packet to multiple servers

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Mar 7 12:59:36 UTC 2022

On Mar 7, 2022, at 3:17 AM, gaurav p <gauravkrishna.bncet at> wrote:
> I am trying to copy the accounting packet to multiple servers. I am able to
> copy on two servers but when I use the 3rd server then it is inconsistent.
> time sends packets on two servers some time only on one server.

  It should work no matter how many detail file readers are configured.

  The debug log you posted doesn't show any errors or issues I can see.

  In many cases you can use the "replicate" module to send packets to multiple destinations.  It will work, but it won't retry packets.

  This should be fine for 99% of situations.

  Alan DeKok.

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