Help with Freeradius and Google Suite LDAP

Wessel Louwris wessel at
Fri Dec 15 18:48:25 UTC 2023


We have been struggling with this also.  We have about 20 domains in our google workspace so we needed some kind of (text) database. 
This mailing list gave me a lot of hints and we managed to solve it with below configuration

It can probably be done easier without this Base-DN1+Base-DN2 variables but I had troubles parsing so this worked for us.

file: mods-enabled/domains
files domains {
        # Search for files in a subdirectory of mods-config which
        # matches this instance of the files module.
        moddir = ${modconfdir}/${.:instance}

        # The default key attribute to use for matches.  The content
        # of this attribute is used to match the "name" of the
        # entry.
        key = "%{Stripped-User-domain}"

        filename = ${moddir}/domains

file: mods-config/domains/domains	Base-DN1 := "dom1", Base-DN2 := "com"
...	Base-DN1 := "dom2", Base-DN2 := "nl"

file: sites-available/google-ldap-auth
		# debug_all
        if (&User-Password && !control:Auth-Type)  {

                update control {
                        Auth-Type = ldap_google
                update request {
                        # the domains change the control, but for LDAP we need to change the request
                        &Base-DN1 := control:Base-DN1
                        &Base-DN2 := control:Base-DN2

Maybe you can use this for inspiration.

Good luck & regards, Wessel

> On 15 Dec 2023, at 19:01, Chris Bradley <bradleyc at> wrote:
> Hello everyone! :)
> I have this working but it's not working for all of our users.
> We have users in our Gsuite with to different email addresses:
> and
> I can authenticate users from one or the other by modifying the ldap file
> under mods-enabled and changing the base_DN to match whichever group I want
> to authenticate.
> Can anyone, at a very simple level, explain to me how to allow the
> freeradius server to authenticate users from two base_dn (
> and using a single server? I've been tinkering with the
> files and I'm not having any luck.
> Thanks!
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