Allow update statement to fail

nabble at nabble at
Wed Jul 26 13:51:19 UTC 2023

Hi there, 

is there a way to allow the update statement to fail and just proceed? 

For example if you want to update a attribute which is "just" for logging pruposes in the authorize section and the update statement failed it returnes 'failed' and stops processing other stuff and resulting in a failed authentication. 

In the documentation there is the option to rewrite return codes for modules but it seems that the update statement is not really a module or do i missunderstood something here? 
And i can't find a way in the documentation how to do it. 

As an example, is there a way to let the following authorize section be processed until the end even if the first update statement is not allowed? I know that it’s not allowed to update the outer request in that context. Just for illustration

authorize {
	update {
		&outer.request:MyLogAttr := "It would nice to have it in the log but it's ok if not"

Best regards, 

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