Attribute values / formats

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at
Wed Mar 15 12:10:22 UTC 2023


So, I've been experimenting with OpenRoaming, and I discovered that there is an attribute being passed around that is not in the FreeRADIUS (or Radiator) dictionaries. It's a VSA: vendor 40808, attribute 6. Now I've been able to capture this on a Radiator proxy:

Unknown-40808-6 = Z<3><186><0><0>

Given that in this instance the RCOI (the consortium value) was 5A-03-BA-00-00, it correlates (the letter Z is 5A in hex in ASCII, and character 186 is BA in ASCII). What format would you describe this attribute to be in? Octets/String?

Oh, and the attribute as described elsewhere has the name " HS20-Roaming-Consortium" to match the convention in dictionary.wifialliance (where it actually belongs).

I'm happy to put in the pull request for it once I know what the format is meant to be.


Kind regards

Stefan Paetow
Federated Roaming Technical Specialist
eduroam(UK), Jisc

email/teams: stefan.paetow at
gpg: 0x3FCE5142

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